Legal Matters: Guidelines, Laws, and Agreements


Yo, let’s talk legal, let’s talk fly

From crane lifting requirements to the legal high

Check the crane lifting requirements, no time to stall

Keep it compliant, keep it safe, stand tall

Important BAS due dates for tax agents coming through

Don’t miss the deadline, you know what to do

Fiduciary duty agreement, legal responsibilities at play

Find out more, here today

India Covid laws, updates straight out the gate

Understand the guidelines, stay up to date

Residential areas, smoking laws clear and true

Stay informed, know what you can and can’t do

Law jobs in air force, a legal career in the sky

Fly high, spread your wings, aim for the sky

Is iHerb an American company indeed

Get the facts, take the lead

Looking for a legal career, pursue law with grace

Find your path, find your place

Can you claim taxes on your house, what’s the deal

Get the info, know the real deal